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AtomOne Constitution - Update on Progress

AtomOne Constitution - Update on Progress

Summary #

The future AtomOne community has consistently expressed its support for the establishment of a Constitution. This energy led to the creation of the AtomOne Constitution Working Group, a group of ~28 community members working to create the foundational Constitution for the AtomOne chain. Together with the support of the All in Bits team, the Working Group met for 4 continuous weeks to develop the first draft of the proposed AtomOne Constitution.

The Constitution Working Group made significant progress in developing the proposed AtomOne Constitution, which aims to establish clear guidelines in terms of the community’s rights, liberties, obligations, governance, economics, and implementation of the proposed AtomOne blockchain. The collaborative spirit and engaging conversations that have taken place thus far indicate the contributors’ commitment to establishing a constitution that is technically sound, inclusive, transparent, and in line with our community’s broader values and needs. An overview of the progress and work completed thus far can be found here: AtomOne Constitution draft.

The draft AtomOne Constitution is only the first step; input from the broader community is required to refine and finalize our Constitution. To that end, a number of specialized working groups will be needed to address certain subjects in greater depth. These working groups, comprised of individuals selected based on their expressed interest and expertise, will focus on addressing the following issues in greater detail.